Monday, July 26, 2010

Can you buy black powder(gun powder) in florida without a gun license?

do you need a gun license to buy it or can you walk in buy and leave?Can you buy black powder(gun powder) in florida without a gun license?
There is no such thing as a 'gun license' in Florida. Muzzleloaders are not considered firearms by the BATFE, so you don't even have to go trough a NICS check or fill out a 4473 form.Can you buy black powder(gun powder) in florida without a gun license?
Gun powder and black powder are two separate things. Make sure you know what you are buying before you actually get it.
No license no dealer required because black powder is not considered a firearm per atf rules.
You don't need a license for modern firearms, much less for black powder ones.
No license needed, you shouldn't have a problem buying it.

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