Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Are There Sites To Order Black Powder From?

www.basspro.comAre There Sites To Order Black Powder From?
Yes there are but unless you are buying a case of 24 pounds of powder, it is not economicaly practical. There is a hazardous cargo fee of $15 to $20 for EACH package of black powder. If you buy one can, you will pay whatever the price is for the powder, plus the cost for shipping and handling plus the Hazardous Cargo Fee. Most sites that advertise black powder will want to charge anywhere from about $15 to $20 per pound of powder. Let's say you order 1 one pound can of black powder. You will pay $15 for the powder, about $9.95 shipping and handling PLUS $15 hazardous cargo fee. That comes to a total of at least $39.95 for ONE pound of powder. I just bought Goex powder at Friendship, Indiana at NMLRA headquarters for $11 per pound tax included. I bought 5 pounds for a total of only $55.

Do a little looking around at the various gun shops in your area to see who sells black powder. You won't get it as cheaply as I do as a member of NMLRA but you sure won't pay $40 per pound for it either. If you are forced to order online because there are absolutely no stores in your area that sell black powder, you can always get several of your friends together and each of you order enough cans so that your total order is 24 pounds, which is one case of powder, your shipping, handling and haz mat fees will be distributred over 24 cans rather than one can. Let's say you buy your powder for the same $15 per pound, your shipping is now up to a total of, let's say $24 for simplicity and your haz mat fee is the same $15 since the powder is in one single package. This means that your powder is now costing you only $16.63 per pound. That's a far cry from $40 per pound if you order one pound at a time.

Of course, unless you are shooting a flintlock, you have the choice of using black powder substitutes such as Pyrodex, Triple 7, Shockey's Gold, etc. These are readily available at most gun stores. Unless you are shooting an in-line rifle, do not use the powder pellets. They will not work reliably, if at all, in a traditional design rifle such as a Kentucky rifle or one of the popular Hawken style rifles. Use only granular powder in them.Are There Sites To Order Black Powder From?

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